Social Justice Initiatives
Voting Rights
We are dedicated to advance, support and help young adults gain access to the polls. So many of us face a challenge when attempting to see and understand the difference between the candidates that are running for office. Politicians are making it harder and harder to cast ballots. We will help and support young adults in addition to create and increase access to the polls. We want to ensure that ALL voters can participate so that we can all have part in advancing our issues.

Police Brutality
There is a history of violence and aggression targeted towards minorities in this country. This unequal treatment by police and the implicit and explicit biases by a society has created a mistrust in our communities for youth and families alike. Minorities are over policed and racially profiled daily. In addition to that there is no real accountability when our communities suffer at the hands of these police and an unjust system.

We stand to fight against police brutality head on by having conversations and plans to move forward to grow. Bonding Over Bondage was created for just that. This is where minority communities and law enforcement can come together and provide insight and forward movement to fight against racial and social injustice. It is our goal to bridge the gap and work towards solutions that develop each other as leaders.
Securing Economic & Social Progress
Studies have shown that economic growth has lifted millions of people out of poverty in addition to improving their lives. However, human development as a whole is incomplete. Unfortunately, some people lack basic human necessities, a healthy environment, the opportunity to reach their full potential and/or steps to improve their quality of life.

As a society we are failing to address these needs regardless of what the economic numbers say. We must begin to invest in people and investing in people will require the removal of barriers in place. We want to help people so they can move forward and be self-sufficient. We refuse to accept that people who live in poverty will always be poor. We understand that we cannot solely rely on the government to find ways to develop our people.
We must come together and share the responsibility of providing opportunities of success for our community as a community. This will begin to improve the well-being of our communities which in turn will contribute to securing economic prosperity and social progress.